
Go To Ortho is rated 5 out of 5.0 based on 358 ratings.

Caring people at Go To Ortho.
Eileen Reilly
Quick, professional and knowledgeable.
Nancy Luckashenak
Franny Monaghan
Wonderful outfit fixed my trigger finger with two visits, just went there for an ankle injury excited to deal with that as well and get back to full function
Vlad Lukyanov
I had a great experience at Go To Ortho. The staff was incredibly friendly and helpful. If I didn’t have to go back, I’d be quite sad.
Shawn Murphy
Great staff. Etta, the occupational therapist was excellent and helped me tremendously to overcome my sub-conscious anxiety about reusing my hand. I would highly recommend the clinic and its staff
Carmen Perez
I was referred to Go to Ortho from a friend and could. It be happier. Everyone the team is wonderful. My shoulder evaluation was thorough and very helpful so I could understand what I actually did besides falling on it. The PT scheduling was easy and flexible. I’m excited to get back on track!
Daniel Brooks
I saw Dr. Fromes PA in Beaverton and she recommended and got me an appointment the next day with Sandra Ruff in Dr. Fromes office to fit me with an Oval 8 splint for my aching thumbs. What a relief. No one else has suggested these miracle splints. Sandra also demonstrated 5 exercises for building strength in the thumb area and sent me along with printed directions. They knew I was to be away for 5 weeks so were great about fitting me in. I couldn’t be happier and am so glad to have such a skilled hand doctor. Thank you
dinah robbins
They were able to get me right in, and they were able to look for the problems I have had for a while, and they had Xrays right there, I was very happy with my treatment 😊
Christina West
Professional, efficient and knowledgeable!
Danne Greene

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