When Should You Seek Medical Attention for a Sprain or Strain?

Athletic man experiencing pain from a muscle sprain in Portland, OR

Sprains and strains are common injuries, but it’s not always clear when they require medical attention. If you’re experiencing symptoms that don’t improve or worsen over time, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional. Go To Ortho offers prompt and expert care for sprains and strains, ensuring you receive treatment faster than you would at an emergency room or waiting for a primary care provider.

Go To Ortho serves Portland, Beaverton, and Lake Oswego with a team of experienced specialists ready to assess and treat your injury efficiently. Learn more about their approach here.

Signs You Should See a Doctor

Some sprains and strains heal on their own with rest, ice, compression, and elevation. However, certain symptoms indicate the need for medical evaluation. You should see a doctor if:

  • Pain and swelling don’t improve within 24 to 72 hours.
  • You cannot bear weight on the injured area.
  • Your symptoms progressively worsen.

These symptoms could indicate a more serious injury, such as a fracture or ligament tear, requiring specialized treatment.

Why Choose Go To Ortho?

Choosing the right care provider for your sprain or strain can make a significant difference in recovery time and outcomes. Go To Ortho offers several unique advantages:

  • Fast Access to Care: Avoid long waits at the ER or delays for a primary care appointment. At Go To Ortho, you’ll be seen promptly by an experienced team.
  • Comprehensive Team Approach: Our physician assistants work directly with orthopedic surgeons to ensure continuity of care. If surgery is necessary, you’ll have quicker access thanks to our integrated approach.
  • Specialization in Workers’ Compensation: Our team is well-versed in handling workers’ compensation claims, providing guidance and expertise throughout your recovery.
  • Convenience and Quality: With dedicated providers invested in their practice’s reputation, you’ll receive personalized care designed to meet your specific needs.

Don’t Wait—Get the Care You Need Today

If you’re dealing with a sprain or strain that requires professional attention, Go To Ortho is here to help. Conveniently located in Portland, Beaverton, and Lake Oswego, we offer prompt and effective care to get you back on your feet. Call us today at 503.850.9950 to schedule an appointment or visit our website to learn more about our services.


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