Dr. Steven Madey has co-written numerous articles, including:
- Tsai S., Fitzpatrick D.C., Madey S.M., Bottlang M.: Dynamic locking plates provide symmetric axial dynamization to stimulate fracture healing. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 33(8): 1218-25, 2015.
- Capanni F., Hansen K., Fitzpatrick D.C., Madey S.M., Bottlang M.: Elastically suspending the screw holes of a locked osteosynthesis plate can dampen impact loads. Journal of Applied Biomechanics 2015; 31:164-9.
- Kessler O., Sommers M., Augustin T., Haybaeck J., D’Lima D.D., Madey S.M., Bottlang M.: Higher strains in the inner region of the meniscus indicate a potential source for degeneration. Journal of Biomechanics 2015; 48:1377-82.
- Bottlang M., Fitzpatrick D.C., Sheerin D., Kubiak D., Gellman R., VandeZandschulp C., Doornink J., Earley K., Madey S.M.: Dynamic fixation of distal femur fractures using far cortical locking screws: a prospective observational study. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma 2014; 28:181-8.
- Ries Z., Hansen K., Bottlang M., Madey S., Fitzpatrick D., Marsh J.L.: Healing results of periprosthetic distal femur fractures treated with far cortical locking technology: a preliminary retrospective study. The Iowa Orthopaedic Journal 2013; 33:7-11.
- Hansen K., Dau N., Feist F., Deck C., Willinger R., Madey S.M., Bottlang M.: Angular Impact Mitigation system for bicycle helmets to reduce head acceleration and risk of traumatic brain injury. Accident; Analysis and Prevention 2013; 59:109-17.
- Bottlang M., Long W.B., Phelan D., Fielder D., Madey S.M.: Surgical stabilization of flail chest injuries with MatrixRIB implants: a prospective observational study. Injury 2013; 44:232-8.
- Bottlang M, Long WB, Phelan D, Fielder D, Madey SM. Surgical stabilization of flail chest injuries with MatrixRIB implants: A prospective observational study. Injury 2013; 44-2:232-8.
- Bottlang M., Fitzpatrick D.C., Lujan T.J., Doornink J., Madey S.M.: Biomechanics and use of far cortical locking in orthopaedic trauma. Orthopaedic Knowledge Online Journal 2012; 10(8).
- Doornink J., Fitzpatrick D.C., Madey S.M., Bottlang M,: Far Cortical Locking Enables Flexible Fixation with Periarticular Locking Plates. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, February 2011.
- Denard P.J., Doornink J., Phelan D., Madey S.M., Fitzpatrick D. C., Bottlang, M.: Biplanar Fixation of a Locking Plate in the Diaphysis Improves Construct Strength, Clinical Biomechanics (Bristol, Avon), June 2011.
- Bottlang M., Doornink J., Lujan T.J., Fitzpatrick D.C., Marsh J. L., Augat P., Von Rechenberg B., Lesser M., Madey S. M.: Effects of Construct Stiffness on Healing of Fractures Stabilized with Locking Plates, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, December 2010.
- Gregoire C., Adler D., Madey S., Bell R.B.: Basosquamous Carcinoma Involving the Anterior Skull Base: A Neglected Tumor Treated Using Intraoperative Navigation as a Guide to Achieve Safe Resection Margins, Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, January 2011.
- Lujan T.J., Wirtz K.M., Bahney C.S., Madey S.M., Johnstone B., Bottlang M.: A Novel Bioreactor for the Dynamic Stimulation and Mechanical Evaluation of Multiple Tissue-Engineered Constructs, Tissue Engineering, Part C: Methods, March 2011.
- Doornink J., Fitzpatrick D.C., Boldhaus S., Madey S.M., Bottlang M.: Effects of Hybrid Plating with Locked and Nonlocked Screws on the Strength of Locked Plating Constructs in the Osteoporotic Diaphysis, Journal of Trauma, August 2010.
- Bottlang M., Lesser M., Koerber J., Doornink J., Von Rechenberg B., Augat P., Fitzpatrick D.C., Madey S.M., Marsh J.L.: Far Cortical Locking Can Improve Healing of Fractures Stabilized with Locking Plates, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, July 2010.
- Lujan T.J., Henderson C.E., Madey S.M., Fitzpatrick D.C., Marsh J.L., Bottlang M.: Locked Plating of Distal Femur Fractures Leads to Inconsistent and Asymmetric Callus Formation, Journal of Orthopedic Trauma, March 2010.
- Bottlang M., Helzel I., Long W., Fitzpatrick D., Madey S.: Less-Invasive Stabilization of Rib Fractures by Intramedullary Fixation: A biomechanical Evaluation, Journal of Trauma, May 2010.
- Bottlang M., Helzel I, Long W.B., Madey S.M.: Anatomically Contoured Plates for Fixation of Rib Fractures, Journal of Trauma, March 2010.
- Lujan T.J., Madey S.M., Fitzpatrick D.C., Byrd G.D., Sanderson J.M., Bottlang M.: A Computational Technique to Measure Fracture Callus in Radiographs, Journal of Biomechanics, March 2010.
- Bottlang M., Doornink J., Fitzpatrick D.C., Madey S.M.: Far Cortical Locking Can Reduce Stiffness of Locked Plating Constructs While Retaining Construct Strength, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, August 2009.
- Helzel I., Long W., Fitzpatrick D., Madey S., Bottlang M.: Evaluation of Intramedullary Rib Splints for Less-Invasive Stabilization of Rib Fractures, Injury, October 2009.
- Bottlang M., Doornink J., Byrd G.D., Fitzpatrick D.C., Madey S.M.: A Nonlocking End Screw Can Decrease Fracture Risk Caused by Locked Plating in the Osteoporotic Diaphysis, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Am., March 2009.
- Henderson C.E., Bottlang M., Marsh J.L., Fitzpatrick D.C., Madey S.M.: Does Locked Plating of Periprosthetic Supracondylar Femur Fractures Promote Bone Healing by Callus Formation? Two Cases with Opposite Outcomes, Iowa Orthopaedic Journal (2008).
- Fitzpatrick D.C., Doornink J., Madey S.M., Bottlang M.: Relative Stability of Conventional and Locked Plating Fixation in a Model of the Osteoporotic Femoral Diaphysis, Clinical Biomechanics(Bristol, Avon), February 2009.
- Sommers M.B., Fitzpatrick D.C., Madey S.M., Vande Zanderschulp C., Bottlang, M.: A Surrogate Long-Bone Model with Osteoporotic Material Properties for Biomechanical Testing of Fracture Implants, Journal of Biomechanics, (2007).
- Krieg J.C., Mohr M., Ellis T.J., Simpson T.S., Madey S.M., Bottlang M.: Emergent Stabilization of Pelvic Ring Injuries by Controlled Circumferential Compression: A Clinical Trial, Journal of Trauma, September 2005.
- Ehmke L.W., Fitzpatrick D.C., Krieg J.C., Madey S.M., Bottlang, M.: Lag Screws for Hip Fracture Fixation: Evaluation of Migration Resistance Under Simulated Walking, Journal of Orthopedic Research, November 2005.
- Erne O.K., Reid J.B., Ehmke L.W., Sommers M.B., Madey S.M., Bottlang M.: Depth-Dependent Strain of Patellofemoral Articular Cartilage in Unconfined Compression, Journal of Biomechanics, April 2005.
- Engel C., Krieg J.C., Madey S.M., Long W.B., Bottlang, M.: Operative Chest Wall Fixation with Osteosynthesis Plates, Journal of Trauma, January 2005.
- Sommers M.B., Roth C., Hall H., Kam B.C., Ehmke L.W., Krieg J.C., Madey S.M., Bottlang M.: A laboratory Model to Evaluate Cutout Resistance of Implants for Pertrochanteric Fracture Fixation, Journal of Orthopedic Trauma, July 2004.
- Bottlang M., Krieg J.C., Mohr M., Simpson T.S., Madey S.M.: Emergent Management of Pelvic Ring Fractures with use of Circumferential Compression, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, (2002).
- Bottlang M., Simpson T., Sigg J., Krieg J.C., Madey S.M., Long W.B.: “Noninvasive Reduction of Open-Book Pelvic Fractures by Circumferential Compression,” Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma, (2002).
- Bottlang M., Madey S.M., Steyers C.M., Marsh J.L., Brown T.D., Application of Electromagnetic Motion Tracking for the Ass. of Elbow Joint Kinamatics in Passive Motion, American Society of Biomechanics, (1998).
- Bottlang M., Madey S.M., Steyers C.M., Marsh J.L., Brown T.D., Hinged External Fixation of the Elbow Joint: Importance of Fixator Hinge Position,Orthop. Trauma Association, (1998).